Women’s Day


in Theory

Women, halfpart the humanity, role for life.

Equality issues in society.

Law and religious beliefs and women’s rights.

Why not a “Day for Men”?

Step by Step

Set up a date for a Forum: Women’s Day and research on basic facts.

Invite speakers and students.

Organise group discussions.

If the activity is day-long, the women and girls can eat together, perhaps dress-up and have a day of both learning and celebration.

Mothers can also be invited so that both mothers and daughters participate.

Plan for male participation in a collaborative manner.

in Action

Create a forum to discuss: Universal and national women’s rights. Women and the law. Women and religious rights.

Identify female role models.

Discuss and gain information on rape and sexual harassment, motherhood, family planning, female healthcare.

Women and Education.

Your community support for women in urgent need.

The good manliness in relation to women.