A Kindness Day & One Daily Action of Random Kindness


in Theory

Life Skills.

Goal Setting.



Leadership – How to inspire others.

Step by Step

Life-Link students gain administration approval for a “Kindness Day”.

Ask teachers to have discussion groups in class, all classes at the same time on “Kindness to Others”.

Plan for an action in every class when every student writes something nice about all the other classmates according to action points above.

in Action

Organise a “Kindness Day” for the school.

Discussion groups should be held in school classes about giving and receiving appreciations, and about leadership.

Introduce the philosophy of “An Action of Random Kindness Each Day”, give examples. Reference action: Self Confidence – 3 Small Actions a Day (1:09).

Student appreciation – every student in the class writes something nice about each of the other classmates, and then each student gets a stapled booklet with all the nice statements about him/her in it.